If you’re not happy with our service
Contact Us First
If you are dissatisfied or have a complaint, please contact us directly in the first instance. Our experience shows that a dialogue can often provide new information and quickly resolve any misunderstandings. Email or call our service center, and we will assist you to the best of our ability!
- Phone number: (+46) 10-17 98 400
- Email: kundombudsmannen@dunstan.se
- Chat with Us!
Customer Complaints
If you are unhappy with any aspect of your dealings with Dunstan, from how you were treated to ongoing contact that doesn’t involve claims, you can inform your case handler that you wish to file a complaint, or alternatively, contact our complaints officer directly.
Email: kundombudsmannen@dunstan.se
If you are not satisfied with our claims handling, you can request that Dunstan reconsider the matter. You can call our customer center at (+46) 10-17 98 400 or contact your claims handler for more information on how to proceed with reconsideration.
Dunstan’s Customer Ombudsman
If you remain unsatisfied after we have reconsidered your case, you can approach our Customer Ombudsman by sending an email to kundombudsmannen@dunstan.se or writing to:
Dunstan AB
Att: Kundombudsmannen
Östra Storgatan 67
553 21 Jönköping
IDunstan’s review board is composed of senior executives from Dunstan and an external complaints officer.
When contacting the Customer Ombudsman for a review, please provide the insurance policy number or claim number in question. Additionally, we ask that you clearly state what part of the decision you wish to have reviewed and why you believe our assessment is incorrect. The role of the Customer Ombudsman, together with Dunstan’s review board, is to examine cases where the company has issued a final decision. The review only concerns disputed claims arising from insurance agreements. Only complaints suitable for such a review will be considered by Dunstan’s review board.