Do you need to file an insurance claim?

Has your horse sustained an injury? 😞
Here you can find information on how to file a claim:

  1. Select Veterinary Care if you wish to apply for reimbursement for veterinary expenses, and select Horse Life if you wish to claim from the horse’s life insurance policy.
  2. Download the PDF.
  3. Complete the form and email it to

Once the claims department receives your notification, the claims processing will begin. You will receive updates via email. The responsible veterinarian for claims is Florian Lackner, who specializes in Icelandic horses.

Select which document you want to download here:

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(+46)10-179 84 00

Monday to Friday, 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM.

We will respond within 24 hours.


or urgent matters outside office hours:
Contact FirstVet or Gestur Juliuson +354 852 0085

SOS Int.

Contact SOS International for serious illness or injury while traveling

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