Basic Information and Contact Details
Dunstan AB is registered as an insurance intermediary with the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority (Finansinspektionen) and mediates insurance policies on the Swedish market on behalf of HDI Global Specialty SE. Dunstan AB holds its liability insurance with W. R. Berkley Insurance AG, Swedish branch. Claims related to insurance mediation can be directed directly to Berkley Insurance AG. Contact details are provided below. The condition for filing such a claim is that compensation has not already been paid by Dunstan AB and that the claim is made within a reasonable time, but no later than 10 years. The insurance coverage amounts to approximately 1.25 million euros per claim and approximately 5 million euros in total for all claims during one year. The insurer is HDI Global Specialty SE. Dunstan AB receives a percentage-based remuneration from HDI Global Specialty for the insurance policies mediated, which is based on the total premium volume minus any deductions for terminated policies. Over time, Dunstan AB may also receive compensation based on the technical results of the insurance business, considering claims results with deductions for certain administrative costs. HDI Global Specialty SE holds a qualified ownership stake in Dunstan AB.
Dunstan AB does not provide advice based on an impartial and personal analysis as referred to in the Insurance Distribution Act (2018:1219).
Registration and Supervision
To engage in insurance distribution, an insurance intermediary must be registered with the Swedish Companies Registration Office (Bolagsverket). Dunstan AB is an insurance intermediary registered with Bolagsverket for the distribution of most non-life insurance policies. Dunstan AB’s operations are under the supervision of the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority (Finansinspektionen). Dunstan AB’s marketing is supervised by the Swedish Consumer Agency (Konsumentverket). This can be verified with the respective authority; see contact details below.
Applicable Laws
Our insurance agreements are governed by Swedish law concerning marketing (the Marketing Act (2008:486)), insurance contracts (the Insurance Contracts Act (2005:104)), insurance distribution (the Insurance Distribution Act (2018:1219)), and distance selling (the Distance and Off-Premises Contracts Act (2005:59)) and other legal relationships unless otherwise specified in the terms or a specific agreement.
How We Process Your Personal Data
Dunstan AB, and where applicable HDI Global Specialty SE, use personal data in our administration, claims handling, market and customer analysis, product development, marketing, and for statistical purposes. We process the data in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
For more information about Dunstan’s handling of personal data, please read here.
Your Right of Withdrawal
If you, as a consumer, have entered into an agreement at a distance (e.g., via telephone or the internet), you have the right to withdraw within fourteen days of entering the agreement. You must notify Dunstan of this. Dunstan is entitled to the portion of the insurance premium corresponding to the period the agreement was in effect.
Dunstan AB
Registration No.: 559313-7523
Östra Storgatan 67
553 21 Jönköping
Phone: +46 010-1798400
HDI Global Specialty SE, Sweden Branch
Registration No.: HRB 211924 (Registered in Germany)
Box 22085
104 22 Stockholm
R. Berkley Insurance Nordic
Org. No.: 516410-2070
Birger Jarlsgatan 22, 4th floor,
ATTN: Claims,
114 34 Stockholm
Swedish Companies Registration Office (Bolagsverket)
851 81 Sundsvall
Phone: +46 0771-670 670
Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority (Finansinspektionen)
Box 7821
103 97 Stockholm
Phone: +46 08-787 80 00
Swedish Consumer Agency (Konsumentverket)
Box 48
651 02 Karlstad
Phone: +46 0771-42 33 00
Swedish Insurance Brokers’ Association (Svenska försäkringsförmedlares förening)
Apelbergsgatan 36
111 37 Stockholm
Phone: +46 08 545 215 40
Swedish Authority for Privacy Protection (Integritetsskyddsmyndigheten)
Box 8114
104 20 Stockholm
Phone: +46 08-657 61 00