
At Dunstan, we are committed to contributing to a more sustainable society at every level of our operations. We aim to promote a more sustainable lifestyle on horse farms for both people and animals. From day one, sustainability has been a top priority, and we continuously strive to find new ways to help our customers achieve a more sustainable equestrian life.

Sustainability is at the core of everything we do, both in our daily operations and in our long-term initiatives. For example, we prioritize purchasing second-hand items wherever possible—all our office computers, phones, and furniture are second-hand.

We are also implementing circular claims management, where we recycle and reuse our customers’ damaged property.

By educating our customers on how to best care for both their horses and their farms, we can ensure healthier, more sustainable horses and fewer damages to the farms. For instance, we assist our customers in managing used silage plastic, ensuring it can be recycled and reused.

Dunstan strives to be an employer that offers both a sustainable workplace and a sustainable working environment. Our employees are located across the country, with many living on their own horse farms. By providing the option to work from home, we help our employees balance their personal and professional lives while also reducing travel-related environmental impact.

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